4 American hostages killed by Somali pirates – World news – Africa – Somalia – msnbc.com

I have taken an image of the MV Faina with the...

Image via Wikipedia

Four Americans captured by Somali pirates while sailing in the Indian Ocean have been shot and killed, NBC News reported Tuesday.

via 4 American hostages killed by Somali pirates – World news – Africa – Somalia – msnbc.com.

Wow. What a crappy headline I woke up to this morning. This is a pretty short blog really. I just wanted to express my outrage over this and my hope that the American Government does whatever they need to do to kill all theses bastards. Lay waste to them all. Please make it just like the South Park episode and snipe them all. Only shoot them in the knees and let them slowly bleed to death. Please.

Punk Curmudgeon

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Punk Rock Pinup Girls

Modern tech God’s gift or the Devil’s curse?

god v devil seth pickett punk curmudgeon
Look at your day. Your week. Your month. Are you doing everything you want to do? Are you prepared? Ready for what comes up? Or do you lament what you did not accomplish. Fine your day over right after it started and always running around last-minute. I’ll bet its the 2nd part. What is it that causes your days to in this way? When I slack and look at it I find the culprit to be my computer. Not just Facebook or other social sites. But the net in general. I can find a million sites to catch up on. Blogs i read. Tech reviews, news articles, and yes I admit sometimes even just pics of celebs. Yeah i know. I hate myself too. 🙂 so take a stand. Whatever you demon is. Be it the net, the tv, sleeping in, we each have our own. Turn the tv/computer off, put the alarm across the room so you can’t hit snooze. Do whatever it takes. Our advances have gives us better ways to stay in touch. Made it quicker and easier. Given up so many tools. But than at the same time we let it drag us down and in a way destroy us. Make the most of you tech and your day. Don’t let life run you over instead get charged up and rape it like your Tyson that first day in jail. You run the show, not your phone, or computer or tv.

Punk Curmudgeon
SuicideGirls.com - Pin-Up Punk Rock and Goth Girls
Punk Rock Pinup Girls